Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit
Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit
Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit
Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit
Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit
Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit

Neokløn - Mythical Beast Pedal Kit

Regular price $99.00 $0.00

NEOKLØN is a completely re-imagined and re-vamped mythical beast overdrive pedal design with improved headroom and lower noise. After deconstructing the classic design, it was greatly simplified by removing the flat bandwidth response at minimum gain, instead making the very useful tonal response at medium-low gain the new minimum gain characteristic. A few other architectural changes improved performance, all while retaining the desirable tonality and breakup properties of the original. This kit contains a fully assembled and tested circuit board, you only need to do final assembly, placing board into enclosure and buttoning up.

I would put this design up against any klone out there!


  • True bypass
  • Lower hiss
  • 9V @ 20mA power




  • "One thing that stood out to me was that the NeoKlon was a lot quieter than my Klon in terms idle buzz. My OG klon had an extra layer of interference than the NeoKlon did not have."